Here's a concept car for you from Cadillac. Introducing the 13.6-Liter 1000-horsepower v16 Cadillac Sixteen. Yes, I said v16! Whoa! Very impressive.

A click of the remote will open the doors to this masterpiece. The sixteen does not include door handles. The interior of the sixteen consists of leather, polished walnut and aluminum and not to mention the thick carpet made of silk. Leather power adjusted bucket seats scream "cool car!." The electronic speedometer is center mounted in the dash. To start, press the brake and push the green button on the right side of the steering wheel.

The transmission only has 4 gears, but you will most likely only feel 2 shifts during your drive. The suspension includes 4-wheel steering. The stock wheels sit twenty four inches. Amazing as it sounds...this concept car was put into production.

Source: coolcarshotgirls
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