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It's a motorist's most horrific nightmare - buying a brand new car and getting into a total loss situation even before the odometer clocks a few thousand miles. That's what happened to Camaro5 forumster "Dertybr" when his spanking new 2010 Camaro SS was rear-ended last week by a teenager in a Ford Escape. To make matters worse for Dertybr, the teen not only lacked any type of insurance, but didn't even have a driver's license. We don't know what happened after the crash, but it sure sounds like a recipe for a human accident, if you get our drift.

Fortunately for Dertybr, his insurance replacement protection plan covered the total loss of the Camaro SS, meaning that he will be receiving a new car. Still, it sure does take out all the fun of buying a new car, doesn't it...

Photos: Photobucket , Via: Camaro5

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